প্রশ্ন : আমরা কি জাভা main method কে overload করতে পারি ? উত্তর : হ্যা পারি । আমরা জাভা method overloading ব্যাবহার করে class এর মধ্যে অনেক গুলা main method লিখতে পারি । কিন্তু জাভা ভার্চুয়াল মেশিন (JVM) সেই main method টাকে ই call করে যার আর্গুমেন্ট হিসেবে স্ট্রিং টাইপের এরে থাকে । তো চলুন দেরি না করে আমরা একটি ছোট উদাহরণ দেখি main method overloading এর - public class MainMethodOverLoadding { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Main Method Called Which is with String array"); } public static void main(String args) { System.out.println("Hello World - string type"); } public static void main(int args) { System.out.println("Integer Type"); } public static void main() { System.out.println("No argument "); } } /** * Note :You can have any number of main methods in a class by method overloading. But JVM calls main() method which receives string array as arg...
StringTokenizer in Java
- লিঙ্ক পান
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- ইমেল
- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class TokenizerTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "My Name Is Md Faisal Porag"; String split = " "; //Split with space StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, split); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println("String Tokenizer Output : "+ tokenizer.nextElement()); } System.out.println(); String nmbrs = "One,Two,Three,,Four,Five,Six"; String splitWithComa = ","; String[] tokens = nmbrs.split(splitWithComa); int lengthCount = tokens.length; for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount; i++) { System.out.println("Split Output : "+ tokens[i]); } } } View Source Code
Sorting in Java
- লিঙ্ক পান
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- ইমেল
- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class SortingTest { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<String>(); name.add("Faisal"); name.add("Porag"); name.add("Rajikul"); name.add("Jhon"); name.add("Vir"); Collections.sort(name); for(String obj: name){ System.out.println(obj); } } } View Source Code
HashMap in Java
- লিঙ্ক পান
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- ইমেল
- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class BookStore{ int bookId,quantity; String bookName,author,publisher; public BookStore(int bookId, int quantity,String bookName, String author, String publisher) { this.bookId = bookId; this.bookName = bookName; this.author = author; this.publisher = publisher; this.quantity = quantity; } } public class HashMapTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //Create map Map<Integer, BookStore> bookMap = new HashMap<Integer, BookStore>(); //Create book BookStore bookStore1 = new BookStore(111, 5, "Java Programming language", "ABCD", "ABCD"); BookStore bookStore2 = new BookStore(112, 10, "Ruby Programming language", "AABB", "ACCD"); bookMap.put(1, bookStore1); bookMap.put(2, bookStore2); for (Map.Entry<Integer, BookStore> entry:bookMap.entrySet()) { int key = entry.getKey(); Bo...
Array in Java
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- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
public class ArrayTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int nmbr[] = {12,13,10,12,22,36}; System.out.println("Numbers Are :"); for(int i =0; i<nmbr.length; i++ ){ System.out.println(nmbr[i]); } System.out.print("\n"); String[] name = {"PORAG","WASIM","SAM","NEWAJ"}; System.out.println("Names Are :"); for(int i = 0; i < name.length; i++){ System.out.println(name[i]); } } } View Source Code
String Split in Java
- লিঙ্ক পান
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- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
public class StringSplit { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "Faisal,Porag"; String[] lists = name.split(","); String firstName = lists[0]; String lastName = lists[1]; System.out.println("First name is : " +firstName); System.out.println("Last name is : "+lastName); } } View Source Code
OverLoading in Java
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- অন্যান্য অ্যাপ
public class OverLoadingTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Summation summation = new Summation(); summation.add(15, 25); summation.add(25, 45, 32.23); } } class Summation{ int res; public int add(int num1, int num2){ res = num1 + num2; System.out.println("Result is : " +res); return res; } public int add(int num1, int num2, double num3){ res = (num1 + num2) - (num1 + (int) num3); // Casting System.out.println("Result is : " +res); return res; } View Source Code